Sunny Days Foundation

Giving back young sufferrers of disabling illnesses the Sunny Days they deserve

Jess Lawrence

Things have significantly worsened for Jess. Your contributions are desperately needed.

We’re calling on you to open your hearts and give generously. Jess’ condition is still incurable and has recently become inoperable.

Jess’ rare medical condition Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) causes brain and spine tumours to grow and strangle her nerves. The search around the world continues for a cure as her most significant tumour in the brain is now affecting her livelihood and has been deemed inoperable in Australia.

Jess is now completely deaf, mostly mute and her sight continues to worsen, she can only be fed via a tube through her stomach and is wheelchair bound.

NDIS only pays for a portion of the ongoing expenses. Funds are urgently needed for: medicines, lung machines & other apparatus’, special food for her feeding tube, mental health support, 24/7 nursing care, chemotherapy and other consumables. And the exorbitant cost of keeping her out of palliative care and in the family home.

Soon Jess will start a different chemotherapy treatment to hopefully halt the tumour growth and avoid life threatening surgery.

These drugs and treatments cost tens of thousands of dollars, so Jess and her family would desperately appreciate any size donation.

Please help Jess strive to survive and see another sunny day:

Jess Lawrence Jess Lawrence
Jess Lawrence Jess Lawrence